Watching porn

Is it normal or ok for my bf to want to watch porn with me while we are having sex or just to get us in th mood cs I sometimes want to watch it before sex but never bring it up bc I was scared of his reaction to the idea but now that He’s brought it up I totally agree and am excited to do it more often but tbh our sex is always great and we don’t need porn to have sex but I think this is something new and fun for us to get turned on.. anyone else agree or disagree I want your thoughts on this .. I actually hope he ddnt bring it up bc my body or sex isn’t enough to turn him on cs tbh his body and sex is amazing😍😩😩😩 I just still wanted th porn to get us even more. Into it I had a similar post previously about this but some people were saying it is not right for him to suggest it or to watch it but what is th point in getting mad at him for it when. He is a man a man will do what he wants to do and I believe that th more you get mad the more he will do it and behind your back too so why not do it together ?