I wish you could be here.

Tiffany • 💕Mommy 06/13/18 ❤️ baby #2 due March 2020! taken 10/28/16😍 boy momma🥰 C-section momma💪🏻

I miss you so much! 10 years ago on march 16th I lost the first real male role model, I wish you could be here, I'm all grown up, and your not here. I'm having my first baby and don't know what to really do, I never realized how much I missed you until it finally set in that you aren't here. oh dear God Grandpa What am I doing without you, your advice, your hugs, your jokes? I hope I'm making you proud! I love you so Much handsome and miss you even more

My Handsome Great-Grandpa (Viet Nom vet) **My grandma lost this photo of my Great-Grandpa in like the 90s, my Aunt got married in 2014 I was getting glass punch bowls out of a box to be washed and found an envelop in the box, I asked my grandma who the man in the photo was she broke down and started crying of sadness and happiness she said its her Dad and that she had lost that photo 20 years ago and never thought she'd see it again**

Him a few years before he passed away💔 this man was my rock, my back bone, my strength, my everything.

my son who I firmly believe he sent down here, He would have also been my Great-Grandpa's first great-great-grandchild, my grandmother's first Great-Grandchild, and my mothers first grandchild. **I was my Great-Grandpa's first Great-Grandchild, my grandmother's first grandchild and my mothers first child**

thanks for reading and allowing me to get the hurt of my chest.