Birth story

Stormy • Hi! I'm 20 years old have a 1 year old son and just gave birth to my daughter April 4th

So I was due April 3rd and unfortunatley I have a stubborn daughter so I was induced at 40+1. I went into the hospital at 5:30 in the morning I was checked and I was at a solid 4 and was 60 percent effaced. I was given pitocin and tried to hold off on the epidural until I knew I would need it so I ask for it right before they break my water. They tell me it will be 20 minutes flat and I would get the epidural so I was fine with that so I waited and 20 minutes pass then 45 minutes pass still no epidural and Im told I have to wait until another womans epidural was done first. So Im a little upset due to asking for this almost an hour ago and Im writhing in pain well when the pain got to be so bad I was in tears I asked for IV pain meds and they checked I wasnt to far dilated I was at a 5 and was luckily able to get it. So the pain med took the edge off and after another 25 minutes the anesthesiologist comes in and takes 3 tries to get the epidural threaded right. Finally its in and Im told the lady next door got the epidural just in time to give birth and I was like thats awesome Im happy she was able to get relief well Im then left for 30 minutes for the numbing to start after 30 minutes I keep feeling like Im having contractions in my tail bone and I can still feel everything with only a slight numbness to where my legs tingled. well the nurse proceeds to check me and Im at a 7 and puts a catheter in which she misses and I feel every bit of it going in when she does get it right which no biggy I wasnt gonna get worked up over that well 5 minutes later still no number than I was before I feel like I have to poop so my mom goes to get the nurse who checks me lo and behold Im complete and this baby was coming with NO Type of relief so the doctor comes in and I begin to push as the ring of fire comes and then goes which at first I thought that she was out once that burning was gone but no that was just her head next come her shoulders and I push and push but one of her shoulders are stuck and the nurse had to shove her hand under my pelvic bone and shove my daughters shoulder down so it could come out. Let me tell you that hurt like no other but she was out but she was blue due to getting stuck and thankfully my OB had worked quickly and got her throat cleared so she could breathe and her little cry rang out which was the best sound to hear and oddly I didnt tear at all I was able to deliver the placenta somewhat easily. Still a little salty I didnt get the epidural in time but Im just happy to have my daughter and Im thankful my husband was there during the difficult times in labor and delivery I dont know what I wouldve done without him.