Helping others


I just wanted to share a feel good moment I had yesterday.

My elderly neighbor lives alone. She's recovering from cancer & has difficulties with everyday tasks. When we moved in 6 months ago my teenage son offered to take her trash out for her because he saw her struggling. So now she pays him $20 a month to take her trash out. (Side note: she wanted to pay him, he offered out of the goodness of his heart). We help her unload her groceries & I take her dinner from time to time. She adores my 19 month old son & buys him stuffed animals on holidays.

So yesterday I met her adult son. I saw him walking up & assumed it was him (based off her telling me about him). I introduced myself & before I could finish he says "oh I know who you are. I know all about you & your sons. I want to thank you for helping my mom out. She talks about you guys all the time". It just made me feel so good to know such small gestures that take less then 15 minutes a couple times a week make such a big impact on her.

I'm happy...