15 weeks and super confused tmi

Ok so I posted the other day about bleeding I was having, it happened a couple times in a day and I had an ultrasound and they saw nothing that would cause bleeding. Baby measured perfect and was wiggling around. But when it happened again they scheduled another one for Monday to check again or if anything changed. Well tonight I was getting ready for bed and I went to the bathroom and started bleeding again. But this time I noticed it seemed to be coming from my bum not vagina... so I checked with my finger in my vagina and sure enough no blood on it. So I had my husband look at my bum (gross I know, but I needed to know!) and he said it was bloody and looked like it was causing it. But it was a lot of blood (picture below) and I had only peed every time it’s happened. I hadn’t pushed at all. When I did go #2 during the day I didn’t bleed. Like what on earth is going on? I’m currently 15 weeks 4 days. Anyone know what that could cause that kind of bleeding or how I should proceed? Is it something my ob should handle or should I cancel my ultrasound for Monday? So confused...