6 days late, BFN 😔


BFN with FMU today. The problem is I don’t really know how many DPO I am, since I don’t track with OPKs or temping. Could be 12, could be 18.

I’ve been feeling really weird and different, so I was very hopeful this month, but I’m probably just imagining things. I probably ovulated really late or didn’t ovulate this month. I’ve been this late one other time in the last year, so it wouldn‘t be the first time. Anyway, I’m just disappointed and I def need to start <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> next cycle... because even though I got a bfn I still have the hope that maybe I just ovulated late and am still pregnant and I just need to wait a few more days. The prob with that is we didn’t have sex at all the week after when I thought I was ovulating. Rookie mistake!