
Marisol • I'm a 27 year old mother to a handsome almost 9 year old in July. Just found out I'm pregnant last week so excited

so this is my 9th day missed period. about a week ago or a bit more I had light brownish spotting and pinkish when I whipped. now again my bf and I had sex 30min. later I used the bathroom and more pinkish color when I wipe. I took off my IUD January 13th but got my period almost 2 weeks later then in February around same time got my period. but then March nothing. It's the beginning off April and now this. I'm TTC so hoping it's not my period coming down 9 days late 😣😒☹😖 I called my pcp and he on vacation. I called my gynecologist and they won't do a blood test just yet. once a home test comes positive they will.ahhhhhhh. does that make any sense?