Am i right in feeling really hurt and betrayed?

so my best friend, we will call her T. she's been my best friend for 15 years, we have gone through everything together. only when highschool started, that many years ago, boyfriends came around for both of us. my boyfriend's were lovely. and so we're hers. because they were always my ex boyfriends. move on to later life, today, actually, at this very second, my best friend is having sex with an ex-fwb (we both had feelings for each other but never took it further.) I feel like Everytime I either date or have sex with someone, she comes along after me and goes there too. I initially said it was all good but I know that she's just a rebound for him. but I am so cut up. am I right to be? I'm engaged with a one year old son, but I still have feelings for ex-fwb, but I just wanted him to be happy and not.. hurt either of them. ex-fwb is also one of my best friends and lives with me.