Finally had the courage to pick up a pregnancy test. 🤷‍♀️😣🤞🏼

Chloe • Baby Wyles Buckley - our prince.🍼💙👣. 5.12.19

So af was due the 26th and made a no show. I’ve been really scared to actually pick up a pregnancy test hence the negatives and phantom pregnancies ive had in the past. On the 22/03/18 my boobs felt bruised, all down the sides all at the top and near my armpits.. they just hurt. They stopped hurting after a while until the pain reappeared on the 30/03/18 (I was 4 days late then) my nipples were fine until a few days later when my breasts stopped hurting and my nipples started hurting only when touched. I also had really watery discharge as if I felt like I was peeing myself! Anyway the watery cm happened before the missed period. And day 10 (today) of my missed period I woke up to really creamy white chunky kind of discharge? It kind of looked like it had bits in it. I thought possible infection? But it didn’t have an odor, didn’t feel itchy, didn’t hurt or burn etc. Just the discharge. I’ve felt sick now and then but nothing unusual, also I’ve not really had any cramping which is so unusual for me to not get. I’ve finally picked up the pregnancy tests! But I am absolutely sweating, and nervous. I just don’t wanna get my hopes up or my boyfriends. Praying for my bfp🤞🏼😭😩 I think I’d actually pass out if I seen 2 pink lines!!😂 keep me in your prayers ladies! Baby dust to all of you!❤️😌 lets get them #april babies!!!