giving up


I'm 20 years old and my man and I have been trying for about a year. At first it was a "not trying but not preventing" situation, then we mutually decided to actually try. So prenatals, opks, and pregnancy tests have been a huge focus the past year. It seems so easy for other women to get pregnant. I was on the pill for about 6 years prior and my periods are actually regular now. I just feel so defeated. I feel like I'm doing everything right but that there's something wrong with me. A mom is something I've always dreamed of being and it just feels like I'll never have that. I avoided doctors because I felt that if it was meant to be, it would happen just like many others. But I've got an appointment at the end of this month to hopefully see what's wrong. I can no longer be happy for others that are pregnant. I don't want to feel this way and I'm so tired of hearing, "it'll happen when it's time" I'm just venting and riding the struggle bus right now.