Newly pregnant but terrified of miscarriage

Jolanta • Expecting our little #1, happily married 😊

My husband and I have been TTC for 10 months now. Throughout the 10 months we haven't had even one positive test. This month we finally got our BFP! We were both beyond overjoyed as I was beginning to loose hope. However, being on this app for months and hearing all the stories of women having miscarriages made me realize it's a lot more common than I originally thought. Now I'm terrified this is too good to be true and no way am I going to get lucky on the first go around. I don't know why I feel this way but I do. It's keeping me from even sharing the news with my closest family members. It's really hard to be so excited but terrified at the same time and not being able to talk about it with anyone. I have been retesting every morning to see if the lines are getting darker to help reassure myself but every little thing has me second guessing if everything is going to be ok. To make matters worse I have been on vitex for 2 months prior to conceiving. I read that you shouldn't stop cold turkey because it can cause miscarriage so I have been trying to ween myself off. But now I'm terrified that what if I do it wrong and cause the miscarriage and it will be all my fault. I'm such a mess. Is this normal? Or am I just driving myself crazy for no reason? It's giving me major anxiety.