To everyone with irregular cycles!


Ever since I started my period at 13, I was irregular. I always thought it was because I was underweight, and once I turned 18 I started birth control to regulate it and it worked.

Now I'm 25, married, and wanting to start a family. I'm finally at an average "healthy" weight, and hoped that would be enough. But of course, I still had issues. I was off birth control for 3 months and still hadn't gotten my period, so I started taking Vitamin B Complex. I read somewhere that it can regulate your hormones, and I figured why not give it a try.

Well it worked! About 2 weeks after starting to take the vitamin daily, I finally got a positive opk! Sadly I didn't get pregnant, and I stopped taking the vitamins hoping my cycle was back on track after bcp. Well, I didn't ovulate again that month, and again didn't get my period. So about 2 weeks ago I started taking the Vitamin B again and I just got this opk today!

It's not quite positive, but should be in the next day or two! I'm not sure exactly why this vitamin helps me, but I figure I should share incase I can help someone else too!