4 weeks!


That last few months have been rough.

Two weeks before Christmas I had a miscarriage. I was about 5 weeks along. A week after that my husband learned that he would be losing his job. Since I work only part time, and we had insurance through his job this was a bit devastating to us on top of losing the baby.

Plus the family drama of my only brother getting married this summer, and my brother be friendly and happy with our very abusive father and trying to force me to be the same for the wedding, it's been stressful.

But this week my hubby accepted a job in his field. In a city I used to live in and adore. Which will also allow me to work full time in my chosen field. With insurance and an income that will let us buy a home.

Today AF was due. And on sort of a whim I took a pregnancy test. And got my BFP! A good strong one I think. I hope this little one sticks. But I am so excited.

I went out and bought a bun and put it in our oven to reveal it to my hubby. But he's recovering from dehydration and hasn't left the bedroom much. Don't know how long I can keep quiet about this!!