Literally obsessed with jumping

C 🖤

My name is Eddie, and I’m a jumpoholic.

He’s 6mo and is totally totally obsessed with being on his feet and moving. We got him one of those jumperoos where he sits in and bounces by pushing with his feet, and since he first went in there he just fell in love. He just loves bouncing!

He likes playing with the little toys that are attached and it’s so so amazing to watch him learn while he’s playing in there, but he’s getting to the stage where he SCREAMS bloody murder if he’s made to sit to eat or be burped. He cries to bounce more often than he cries for anything else put together.

Is this..normal? Should I let him just jump all day and not play with much else? Seems harmless but people have started commenting on how much he likes it 😂🙈

*pic is blurry because of jumping 🙄