Help me !:(

I am almost 20 & my bf is 21 we have been together for almost a year , the first week or so I fucked up and saw my ex of 3 years. I know I lost his trust but he doesn’t let me work now , he doesn’t let me go outside , he doesn’t like me going to the store , he wants me in the room 24/7 . I told him about me getting a job and he was upset about it . I do really care for him but I’m not sure how to end it , when we fight he throws things and punches the walls . We scream , yell, shout , throw things when we fight (over LITTLE shit ) I want to leave but I really have no where to go & no money . I know it’s my fault for not working I just got hung up on his ass . And I just need advice :(

(I do not have a car , job, money, ) so it’s hard for me to go places . He takes the car to work ..