Boobs TTC

Rachel • Mama to Margo ❤️❤️❤️

So first time trying to conceive here! I’m only 5 dpo... this wait is killing me. I’ve been OBSESSIVELY checking my boobs to see if they hurt at all 😂 I know nipples are supposed to be sore right around the two week point, but I’m hoping I feel an early change. Ridiculous, I know, but I’m just so excited! Honestly I don’t even know if I got

My ovulation right. But we’ve had intermittent sex so even if I got it wrong I still had sex while ovulating or right before ovulating. I’m hoping I’m one of the lucky ones that gets pregnant right away! I just want to be pregnant and not worry about tying lol, it’s so much stress! I want it badly, and I’m worrying about it constantly!!!! I just wanna move to the excited stage where I start making arrangements for a baby!!!! ❤️