Question! (New here!)

Alicia • Alicia. 29. TTC for baby #1 ♥️. Pitbull mama 🐾🐶. Married the love of my life 06/08/18 ♥️

Hi all! I’m Alicia - I’m 28 (29 in May). My boyfriend and I have been TTC only two cycles so far. I think we missed it last month due to starting late (trying). I’m crossing my fingers this month is our month!! :)

I read that if you BD every other day all month - you’re essentially “covering your bases”. My question is... tomorrow my estimated fertile window starts.. should we switch to every day during it? Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday I’m sure we will - ovulation is supposed to be Wednesday. So planning on then, too!

I’m not currently using OPKs - I’ve thought about it but I don’t want to stress myself out (which is a likely possibility, lol). TMI but I’m having watery CM so I’m pretty sure we’re on track with estimated ovulation date. 🙌🏻🤞🏻

Mainly just would like some feedback :)

Thanks in advance ladies!!