Never did share my birth story so here it goes

Never did share my birth story so here it goes. I was never good with grammar so I apologize before hand and hopefully everything makes sense. 
On February 23 I started having contractions at about 0630. After calling my OB he told me to go into labor and delivery just to be checked out. When I got to l&d (1000) the nurse checked me and I was only at a 1. My contractions ranged from 8-4 minutes apart and were getting more intense as he day went on. So around 1300 I was checked again and was still at a 1, contractions still getting more painful. Dr then ordered 3 doses of terbutaline to stop contractions since I was only 37 weeks along with a boy. He was hoping to buy me at least a few more days if not a week. Was discharged around 1600 the contractions had stopped. Went home and rested. Around 0040 February 24 contractions started back in. Started texting a friend of mine working in l&d. After a couple hours I decided to go in because contractions were getting more painful and intense. I called my mom (lives 30 min away) so she could watch our 2 boys so husband could come to hospital. Got to hospital a little after 0300. The nurse checked me and I was at a 5. I was spose to be a planned c section 3/9. My Dr was out of town so the on call was notified and we still planned on doing c section. Contractions kept getting worse. Lab, nurse,Dr, anesthesia all came thru. So at 0422 we were ready to head up for c section. They checked me and I was at a 7. Got upstairs and they got me over to the table when Dr. checked me and said  “ you’re at a 10 and crowning, if you want this c section we will have to put you all the way under or do you just want to go vaginally.” Ok at this point I was going off maybe 4 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours, in tons of pain cuz I didn’t have a chance to get anything and scared cuz everything was happening so fast that I couldn’t think. So I said put me under. When they put the mask over my face to start putting me out I got a strong contraction and the urge to push. I yelled out let’s just get him out I need to push. After 2 contractions he was here! Lincoln Bane born 2/24/18 at 0437 6lb 14oz 20 1/2 inches long.