
Alexandra ♡︎︎

So, for the past few months I decided to get back into working out. I broke up with my boyfriend of 3 1/2 years, because of issues of sexual abuse (in a way.. even though I’m still a virgin). He pushed my thoughts, my body and most importantly.. I lost myself through it all. I was emotionally and mentally abused. He treated me terribly and was a narcissist. I am so glad that I’m back in public school, focusing on myself and I’ve got a new boyfriend to support me. He treats me well.

Throughout this journey of losing weight, I finally joined a gym where my boyfriend and I work out together all the time.

Pictures below show where I’ve been to where I am. I’m around 165 now and I was at 250 a little under a year ago. I’m 5’3 1/2. I’m also sixteen. I’m finally semi-comfortable in a bathing suit!!!

All below are where I am happy.

Taken today ^

Taken yesterday ^ v

Taken a week ago ^

Taken tonight ^