Can anyone relate? Has it resulted in pregnancy for anyone please share experience


I have Pcos. March was my first cycle on clomid 50mg cd 3-5. My ovulation week was march19-25. March 26/27 I experienced mild period cramps but af isn’t due until April 7th. From March 29- today I’ve had sore breasts. For the last week I’ve had mood swings and find myself getting irritated a lot faster. April 1st I had fertile Cm even though my fertile week was a week before. Yesterday April 4th I found myself crying hysterically for 15 minutes and I couldn’t figure out exactly why well I was angry but not that mad to where I should be hysterically crying the way I was. I do feel like impossible conceived but I don’t wanna put it in my head and it be wrong. I think I’m going crazy because I want it so bad. After a year and a half of trying my heart is fragile it kills me every time I think it worked but it didn’t. Am I crazy to believe that I am? Is anyone in the same boat? I have a doctors appointment on Thursday 4/12 to see if I conceived but the anxiety is killing me.