Ground Rules?

Kathy • 30 - FTM - Vaeda Miribelle born 10/24/18

So I need opinions.....mostly because I’m super hormonal and can flip from a cup of rainbows to homicidal chimpanzee and sometimes I don’t know if I’m being irrational.

My parents smoke cigarettes. A lot. Daily. I’ve tried hinting around to them that I don’t want my baby around it at all, but I don’t think they’re making the connection. I don’t want them breathing cigarette breath on my baby while they’re cuddling, I don’t want them touching my baby’s face with cigarette hands, I don’t want them taking my baby outside with them while they smoke... my baby will have decades later in their life to be an adult and make choices to tolerate or not tolerate cigarettes and the smell....but for now I am the caregiver. I am the protector, and I just don’t think my baby deserves it. Don’t get me wrong. My husband and I are not perfect. We smoked cigarettes on occasion while out drinking with friends (prior to baby, obviously not now), but I wouldn’t call us “smokers”, if that makes sense.

Anyone else experience this/have family that smokes? What were your ground rules and how did you handle stubborn parents? What happens if they choose killing themselves over hanging out with their grandchild?

*This isn’t their first grand baby, but my sister never really made ground rules like this because she herself is a smoker.