mixed emotions


So, today I had an appointment for the lady doctor. It was for an annual visit. They got a urine sample from me at the beginning of the appointment. Well, when they finally got me into a room and told me to get undress for my check up the woman came back in almost immediately telling me to put my clothes back on and that I was pregnant. I had a miscarriage in Nov of last year and very beginning of Feb. They want me to come in next week on 2 different days. I want to excited. I want to be happy and I do feel that way to some degree. On the other hand I feel like "I just want it to be over" like I'm just expecting to start bleeding any moment. I feel upset and depressed. Like there is no hope. This child wasn't planned and the other ones that I miscarried weren't either but it still doesn't feel great. I just don't know what to do. I've had one successful pregnancy. Just seems like something has changed and I can't carry anymore. Sorry this is so long. I'm just so lost.