due 3.31 born 4.02 ❤ finally my story ❤


Finally I get to tell my story. Ill start here,  the week before the 31st I got a prenatal  massage hoping it would help induce me. I drank a bunch of pineapple juice and red raspberry leaf tea. Not sure if helped but could of. Any way Sunday the 1st around 9 I noticed my contractions becoming stronger and more frequent. I tried to go to bed at 11 woke up at 1am like hmm this is way worse and more frequent than normal. I called my mom to prepare her maybe we needed to go. (Also I had diarrhea days leading up to this) so at 2 I'm like ok let's go to hospital.

They check me I'm 3.5 cm dilated (I was 2.5 4 days before that) they keep me on monitor because my diastolic bp was in the 90s. They check me in a hr and i progressed to a 4 and bp is still high so they admit me. I was literally shitting up a storm at first lol could of been nerves. I wanted to wait as long as i could for epidural so I got diloudid in myIV to help for pain which did for a bit. By 2 I was at 7cm and asked for the nitrigen oxide gas and it honestly helped a lot.

At about 5 I was at 8.5 and really wanted to go natural but was scared of so called "ring of fire" and got epidural and it was such a relief the anesthesiologist was great and quick. I got a about 30 min nap too which was

great I had only slept for about hr and a half night before. Finally at 8:45 They checked I was at a 10. I had to wait for doctors until about 9:15 until I started pushing and he arrived at 9:58pm.

8lbs 8oz 21in long my chubby cheeked baby❤ all daddy's features except for mommy's nose

He cried for a second but as soon as he was on my chest he was content ❤

(Ps the placenta wasn't as hard to pass as I've read stories about it just kind of slid out with a push)

Labored for almost 24hrs but I would do it all over again, the most rewarding heartwarming experience I've ever had

4.2.18 Enzo Thomas Senteney my angel baby😘