Does a shorter, lighter period hinder fertility?

I'm 31.

My first and only child was born when I was 23.

When I was 18 I was told I couldn't conceive; My chances of being a mum was diminished.

Yet at 22 I took 3 tests that all confirmed pregnancy, and 8.5 months later I delivered the healthiest happy baby ever

Here's my point to that back story. I remember my periods then. They were heavy, I was always in extreme pain, and they lasted anywhere from 4-7 days.

After I had my child, I went on birth control; the Mirena. That was in 2010. I was taken off it in 2017. The whole time I never stopped bleeding every month. I just didn't bleed as much or as long.

Now I'm off it, I still bleed every month, but my periods are so light, I don't use much more than a panty liner, and they seldom last more than 3 days.

My hubby and I have been TTC for 4 months now with no luck.

My OB is completely useless. I'm trying to get a new one.

That's why I'm asking here.

If anyone has some feedback, it's welcomed♡