Just need to get this off my chest!


Our baby is 19 months old, and has been struggling with chest issues since January this year.

I took her to the docter countless times, and always it was the same diagnosis. Sinus infection and bronchitis.

After the 5th course of antibiotics and cough medicine AND cortisone nebuliser meds not working I decided to get a seceond opinion.

Turns out she has Prolonged Bronchlites (a form of RSV, it seems if I understand Google correctly 😂, which leads to Asma) so NO amount of antibiotics would fix that.

And yes I was probably stupid to keep taking her back to the same dr, but he was our house dr for how long, and he has never miss diagnosed me. Am I wrong to feel that he should have picked up something was not right in her file? But today its not about the patients anymore its about money.

Not only could she have better long ago if I just changed dr's but my medical aid would have lasted longer.

But thank heavens my common sense finally allowed me to take her to another Dr. and she is starting treatment. I hope and pray it goes better.

Sorry - vent over! 😦😊🙄👏🏻💯😤😏