Am i pregnant

Jennifer • I`m 23

I’m 19 about to be 20 this month. I have the birth control implant in my arm and it supposed to come out in three months July 8th. I’ve been spotting more than usual (brown spotting). My left boob has been hurting/aching. (Bigger boob) Ive wanted chocolate milk. And i usually don’t drink it cause I don’t buy it. But I love chocolate milk. (Drank it throughout school) I have had to pee a lot more lately. I’ve had these headaches only on my left side. I take ibuprofen for it and when that wears off it comes back. I have been very hungry. No nausea. Or vomiting. I just wanna know if I have any major symptoms. I’ve heard that the implant can grow weaker with over weight people. I’m 194 lbs. I’m on the left.