Stuck at the same weight


I have been stuck at 150 lbs for about a year now. I have been eating healthy and exercising on average about 4 times a week. I’ve been jogging with my son in the stroller because that’s about all I can do with him. I’m pushing myself jogging and getting better times on my distance and running further. I feel a lot better since trying to change my lifestyle as a whole, but for some reason I just cannot seem to drop the weight. Before I got pregnant I was at 140 and my son is now 1 1/2. I got down to 140 about 6 months after he was born and as soon as I quit breastfeeding and started back on birth control (at 6.5 months postpartum) I gained 10 lbs back in a matter of a month and did nothing different. So it’s been a year and I do feel like my body is slightly more toned, but I just want to fit into my old jeans. I’m not willing to do crazy diets because I will for sure gain it back. I drink 64 oz of water daily and try to quit eating by 7pm. Any suggestions for little things I can add into my lifestyle to help me out? I should add that my husband is military at the moment and he isn’t home hardly ever, the base we are at is secluded and has a gym without childcare so running with a stroller or at home workouts are my only options.