Unusual boy name


We are having our 3rd baby boy this May. We have a Corbyn and a Rylan and are having difficulties coming up with a name for the third. We would like it to have a “y” in it as well. My SO fell in love with the name Bellamy, a warrior name from a netflix show he is watching. At first I hated it but now it is starting to grow on me. I am afraid people will shorten the name to Bell which sounds more female to me. We’ve thought of a few variations and we’ve come up with Abelamy, (with the Ah sound) which would take away the Bell nickname and gear more towards Abel. I am afraid to tell anyone because it is such an unusual name and I’m afraid to hear negative comments about it from loved ones. So, I am turning to you all...what are your thoughts on Abelamy Roman? Roman as middle name after my mother, Ramona, who passed away almost 5 years ago from cancer. Thanks for your opinions. 😊