Trouble with increasing breastmilk supply..

Justine • First time Mother of one beautiful daughter. 👼🏽

My daughter is 11 days old now and I really want to just remain only feeding her breastmilk but my supply isn’t where it needs to be.. when I pump im lucky if I even get a half oz and since her weight gain wasnt a lot at her last check up her pediatrician told me I might need to supplement with formula while also giving her breast milk if she doesn’t gain the weight back by her next appointment. she also informed me when I pump I should be atleast pumping 2oz since thats What she should be eating at every feeding. I’ve currently been drinking atleast one milk supply boosting tea a day sometimes even more her pediatrician also told me that there’s a vitamin that helps boost milk supply as well as oatmeal supposedly helps. I’ve become very discouraged and mad at myself because I can’t produce what I need to for my daughter to stay healthy do any moms have any tips that helped them boost their milk supply or any encouraging words 😞