The importance of sex


My boyfriend recently mentioned to me that he feels we aren't ardent having enough sex. During a fight it was listed amongst other issues in our relationship such as us not seeing each other enough (I work two jobs and dont have much free time) and not talking enough. He said "I'm not trying to be a dick about it but you can understand how that can have an effect on our relationship". Which I do understand. But the thing is, I've had a very low sex drive for many many months now. (Him and I have only been together for like four or five, this has been a thing for probs like 10 or so.) I feel obligated to have sex because I want him to be happy and I want to fulfill his needs. But I hate feeling that way. I dont like the idea of forcing myself into a situation k dont want to be in just to please him. ***keep in mind it's me forcing myself, not him forcing me. I'm at a crossroad here because sex is an important thing in a relationship but it's just not something I can give much of. Any advise? On the situation or possibly on how to get myself in the mood and fix my lobito. Oh and just as background info, I have depression and have for quite sometimes. it's gotten worse as I've gotten older and that's probs the reason for the low sex drive. I am going to see a doc and hopefully get medicated in the next few weeks which may potentially help. And also in the past I've always had a very high sex drive so this is truly out of the usual.