random foreign guy walked into my apartment?

Katie • 20 yrs old ☀️ Leonardo 10.16.18 👶🏻💙

hey guys I just need a little input. Like 15 minutes ago me and my fiance were just watching tv in the bedroom and we heard the door of our apartment open

I thought maybe it was my fiancé’s Mom but the person walked out, probably after hearing us go “what the f*ck??!” And as our dog ran up to the door.

My dumb “guard dog” didn’t do anything, didn’t even bark 😒

But my fiancé went to the door and the guy was just walking away, he said something in a foreign language and kept walking.

We were both so shocked we didn’t think to do anything, and he clearly didn’t speak English so we didn’t ask any questions.

There is only one other door on our side of the apartments, our neighbors that we know and they’re American.

I dont know why this guy would just walk into any apartment, even if he was lost, he had never been here before.

I don’t want to sound ridiculous, I probably do. but is this something I need to be worried about? should I have called the cops?