Needing support...

Jessica • I'm 32 (05/29/88) 7 year old son (12/06/13) Started dating new and amazing man (05/24/18) Physical, mental, emotion, verbal and sexual abuse survivor.

I am going to be going through the divorce process as well as trying to serve my husband with restraining orders. But I am being made out to be the bad person by him and some of his family. Yet I was the one physically assaulted. I was the one who didn’t want to come home after work. And now because my husband is not welcome at my home I have to explain to our four year old that daddy needs help and until he gets it he can’t come home. But now my brother in law wants me to allow my son to go to the rehab and see daddy. But just looking at pictures makes him cry, seeing his daddy makes him cry and beg to have daddy. What should I do? I cannot see him, I don’t want to, which hurts to even admit. But I don’t think my son should see him because it is traumatizing my boy.