Possible yeast infection?

So my period is late by 2 days, nothing abnormal there apart from the fact that <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> is usually pretty accurate at predicting my period and I’m hardly ever late according to this app.

As well as this, I’ve had some pretty strange discharge for a while, not a lot, but some days it can be pretty thick, with not real odour. Also, I’ve had pretty cloudy urine (a bit tmi lol).

I was just wondering if a yeast infection can delay/ skip/ stop periods and affect fertility? It may be a stupid question but I’m really unsure and too scared to google in case I get some bad results 😂

I really hope it isn’t cause I can’t really go to my mum or dad about stuff like intimate health as I feel like we both find it too awkward, but obviously if it’s life threatening or whatever than I will 🤷🏼‍♀️

Thanks for your help in advance!!