My Aries baby


At 40+3 April 5 we made the 2 hour trek because I was having constant contractions every 2-3 mins but was only 1 cm dilated. What a bummerrrrr. Stayed in a hotel and when I woke the contractions were almost gone, at least I couldn’t feel them. Went back to the hospital Friday morning to see what they wanted us to do. They checked me and at least I was a 2 this time but because of the distance they’re gonna keep us and get the ball rolling🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 thankfully it was my ob was the OB on shift and he was great with keeping us.

So once in the room they started me on oxytocin. I was still only feeling some of my contractions. After 6 hours and still at a 2 they bumped up the meds a lot and I really started to feel pain. I could of went a bit longer without an epidural but the epidural guy was off to a csection so I figured I better get it. Man last time I had an epidural it was peachy this time it made me soooo wonky. Very light headed and I threw up. Baby wasn’t really liking it ether and they thought I might end up a csection. They continued to monitor her. I fell asleep and they came in an broke my water and then I continued my nap. I woke up to a 6 at 10:30pm 15-20 mins later I was at 10. Pushed for 30-40 and she was born at 11:33 pm on April 6,2018. 0 tears like my first born 🙌🏻🙌🏻

According to my lmp I would of been due the 6th but they said I was 3 days earlier according to the ultrasounds. At the time it was great but passing my due date and her coming on that date anyways was pretty typical 😝 my first daughter came 39+6