boyfriend's YouTube addiction

I think I have come to the end of my tether when it comes to my boyfriend's YouTube addiction, he will go for a wee and be in there ages because he's watching YouTube, conversations are difficult because he's engrossed in a video, sometimes I don't mind but I'm 6 weeks pregnant I've come home from a 13 hour shift and within 5 minutes of me getting home he's on YouTube. we watch a few things together from time to time but yesterday I asked for a YouTube free evening so we could chat and watch a film or something he lasted about 2 minutes. It's the first time I've asked for a YouTube free evening. I'm just done with talking to a brick wall because he's constantly on YouTube and if he's not there he's watching videos on Facebook. I just do not what to do I've brought it up so many times that perhaps it's got a little out of hand and it would be nice not to have to constantly repeat myself at least 3 times.