I can’t even believe this

Ya girl has been busting her ass in the gym. Getting up 5 days a week at 5am to work out for 90 minutes before work, and working out after work for 90 minutes 5 days of week. Lots of cardio and eating fairly healthy has paid off. I suffer from bipolar depression and extreme anxiety. Because I started working out my therapist lower the dosage of my medication and I haven’t suffered from an anxiety attack in weeks (I was having them twice a day at least 3 times a week) it’s amazing how strong your mind and body get when you put in the work. I have never felt better and I will keep putting in the work. It may not be much to you all, but I have never felt better.

*im posting this here because I’m proud of my progress, and I don’t have social media* 💪🏻

So I am extremely overwhelmed with so much happiness and love for all of the kind words you all have showered me with. I thank you all from the absolute bottom of my heart. You have uplifted me in ways I can’t even explain. You all are so empowering and have such beautiful, beautiful souls.

I am new to this workout thing, and I am still learning myself. The best advice I can give is listen to your body, let your body tell you what it needs, let your body take control of how much you work out. I found what works for me. I do have my rest days, and some days I push myself harder than others, and I listen to my body. It’s a lot of discipline and a lot of hard work. And you don’t need to starve yourself to achieve your goals. Just make healthy eating habits ( easier said then done) and don’t beat yourself up or give up if you have slip ups. I have them all the time. Just know that you are you, and you are beautiful, and you will achieve your goal if you set your mind and heart to it. Don’t give up. Keep pushing even on the days you just want to lay in bed, and if you choose to not workout or eat healthy then who cares, push yourself harder the next time. The fact that you took the initiative to start is amazing in itself.

You all are so beautiful and I know it’s hard to see yourself as others see you because of the stigma that you need to be a certain way physically. Just know if you are happy that is all that matters.

I thank you all again for the kind words. It means more than you know.