It just stinks

Just received a letter from my sister-in-law and brother-in-law that they are expecting a baby! I really want to be happy for them, and I will be in due time, but that letter caused me unexplainable sadness. For one, it is another friend who got pregnant really easily. I have been trying for almost 2 years while all of friends and family members have gotten pregnant within months of trying. And two, the fact that they (correctly) guessed how sad the news would make me makes me even sadder because I have become known as the friend who others are nervous to share their good news with. I don’t want to be that self involved person, but I just thinking about my futile, costly fertility efforts makes me tear up. No response needed, just wanted to put this post out where it wouldn’t be a downer for my friends or family and where maybe it will be found by someone else who is going through a similar struggle and feels as alone and out of luck as I do