I cried over the stupidest thing.

So I haven’t been able to shower for what feels like forever. Like days. I feel so disgusting. I’ve just been so busy with everything and my daughter that I don’t have the time and when we get home for the night I can barely keep my eyes open. Well, today I was so excited for my boyfriend to get home so I could shower. He comes home and I tell him hurry and poop and stuff so I can take a shower.

Well while he’s pooping his brother calls him and asks him to come over. Mind you it’s 12:30 am here. So he comes out and says I’m going to my brothers. I instantly started crying because I was so excited to shower. SHOWER guys. I never thought in a million years I would cry over not being able to shower (I’m also gonna start my period soon so that could be a culprit). He got mad and stormed out without saying goodbye or kissing me. I’m so upset. I JUST WANT TO FREAKING SHOWER 😡

Have any of you ladies cried over something this stupid?