Two week wait

O Day- oh god... I think I just felt the sperm meeting the egg oh my gosh let’s go out to dollar general and buy out the cheapies. Not going all out yet.

1dpo- Hi there dollar tests... I will be seeing you soon. What... what was that? I am having a taste for candy so I’m deffo preggo

2dpo- Ugh this sucks. I’m probably not even pregnant. Aunt Flo why don’t you just show up now

3dpo- *feeling your boobs constanly* *checking cm*

4dpo- staring at pregnancy test knowing its to early

5dpo- googling what your due date would be if you conceived... symptom picking still..... still staring down the test

6dpo- ehh one cheap pee test won’t hurt let’s see, oh what’s that.. what do I see ? BFN

7dpo- let’s try another cheapie FMU

8dpo- ugh nothing. Guess my period is coming

9dpo- sore boobies ugh maybe I should go invest in some FRER

10dpo- FRER with FMU and BFN