When did I ovulate?


I need your help!

So I started using clear blue fertility monitor this month, and my peak days were Sunday and Monday which was pretty early for me (although my cycles vary in length). I took my normal OPKs too and got two dark lines on Tuesday afternoon. I've been tracking my temp too for the first month, and my first higher than normal temp wasn't until Saturday. I know typically you ovulate a day after the LH surge, but my temp would suggest I ovulated on Friday, which would've been 72 hours later... what do you guys think? Can the temp take a couple days to rise after ovulation? Also I don't get up at the same time every day due to varying work schedule so I know my BBT may not be as accurate. I'm just trying to decide when I can take my first pregnancy test, when I can expect AF etc. normally I start spotting 12 days after my + OPK. Thanks in advance!