Weird feeling in vagina.. sorry tmi


So we’ve only been seriously ttc for 2 months, so I think I’m just paying more attention to my body, but I’ve never felt this before. AF should be here in 2 days, I took FRER and negative. I had several symptoms including nausea and dizziness as well as sore breasts last week, but those all disappeared. Three days ago I had what I thought was a GI bug and had bad diarrhea. Now last night and today I have this strange feeling, almost as if something is stuck in my vagina (nothing is). It feels almost like I have a tampon in. Gross, I know, but I stuck my finger up there and don’t feel anything. ( I could never figure out how to check my cervix position with ttc the first time, every time I try I reach as far as I can go and never feel anything) Has anyone had this feeling? What do you think it could be? Is it possibly my cervix lowering before AF and I’m just noticing it since I’m paying more attention? I’m not sure but I’ve never noticed it before and I’m 31.