My favorite birth


Sharing my favorite of my personal birth stories while I await my 8th child. I am almost 17w. My 6th baby was very active and healthy in there. I had my morning cup of coffee and proceeded to have the usual bowel cramps and went to the bathroom several times. It just didnt stop. I began to feel confused. Nothing was coming out anymore, but I was still feeling the urge to go, and cramping almost non stop. I rocked on my birth ball which I had been using as my seat the last 6 weeks. I started to wonder if it was labor, and texted my mother and my husband. 15 minutes later, my mother arrived to see me kneeling on my bed in the middle of my first pushing contraction. 5 minutes later, my baby girl shot out into the chux pads my mom had the quick reflexes to shove under me. We called my husband, and he absentmindedly said "I didn't even have time to get my shoes on..."