birth control

hello ladies! im new to this app! i’ve been on birth control since i had my baby girl in 2014. i first had the nexplanon implant, i had it for a few months only because i couldn’t stand the mood swings! i took it off in october 2015 then i started taking the depo shots. i stopped doing the shots in may of last year and started the pill on june. and so last month i stopped taking the pill because i am trying to get pregnant for baby number 2. while i was on the shot i wouldn’t get my period at all and with the pill i’d get it every month. since i stopped the pill last month i was supposed to get my period a few days ago. i had the symptoms of getting my period and i know i ovulated, but it hasn’t happened. could i be pregnant or since i just got off the pill it’s normal that i don’t get my period for a few months? has anyone had this happen to them? thank you :)