Tummy Troubles. Anyone Else Have This Problem?

I have had some really concerning stomach issues recently. This’ll probably be a bit TMI but it’s been really alarming and miserable.

So twice in the past 10 days I had severe stomach pains, gas, bloating, and interchanging constipation and loose stool. Both times left me in immense pain and up all night until I was finally able to relieve myself and the pain mostly subsided. The next day I was left feeling constipated with a dull pain and heaviness in my lower abdomen and feeling a bit achy. I think I had had something with cheese on both these nights, and I know that I am sensitive to dairy products, but I’ve never had this kind of severe and painful reaction to it. I started my period 3 days ago, is it possible that my period caused a worsened dairy sensitivity? Or is that crazy talk? Please help, I am miserable.