I Never Thought I Would Be Happy Over This


My period finally came!

I know, I know. who the heck is REALLY happy over that, and maybe TMI?

Lemme esplain the thing.

I have PCOS. PCOS can affect the body in many ways. One of the ways is to cause irregular periods or to stop periods all together. Which means no ovulation. Which means for a woman who is trying to get pregnant, the chances are slim to none.

I have been devastated over this.

We had to try to fight back harder.

Both my husband and I decided to make a few life-style changes. granted, we were pretty healthy before: we were fairly active and ate pretty healthy. I would say we were even above the average. But over a few months of trying and feeling like things were not improving. we had to give. That's when we finally cracked and went to a doctor. Then I got the official diagnosis. We finally took real action and control over our lives.

We started a diet. We started exercising regularly. We started checking out oils and doing more for our mental and emotional well being. And things have started to change. Namely I finally have a period.

Here is the crazy part.

My official diagnosis is fairly recent, as of last month. We started our change about mid-month and have really started trying harder with this month. And things are already changing for us. We feel better, we sleep better, and again, I started my period!

Now, I know this may not change anything for us by way of conceiving anytime soon, but I wanted to also post this to encourage other women out there. diet and regular exercise really does help! I've seen results in less than a month, so don't give up! Let's fight the good fight! Baby Dust! 💖