Pregnancy and Guilt *UPDATE*

UPDATE: They didn’t fire me bc I was pregnant I lost my job bc you can only miss so many days with the company and when the morning sickness hit, I used my last point and couldn’t get it approved to be excused. And I NEVER said I WOULDNT get a job after the baby, just that I don’t want to. I was lucky and very grateful that I got to be a stay at home mom with my first 2 children (who are now almost 5&6) until my youngest was almost 1. And I’d like for it to be the same with this baby, but that’s not possible and that’s fine, I’ll deal with it. I will get a job and do whatever I need to do to help my husband provide for our family.


My husband and I have been together over 10 years..we have 2 beautiful children and our third is due next month. When we found out I was pregnant I got REALLY bad morning sickness and pointed out at my job. So being jobless for the last 7 months has really taken a toll on our financial situation. I feel guilty for losing my job and putting so much stress on him. We cant afford anything besides our bills and we’re going to really struggle for atleast another 3 months buying diapers and other necessities for our new baby as we need them until I can get job again. He doesn’t know, but I don’t want to get a job so soon after I have our daughter and I feel so guilty about it. So I’m currently just giving it all to God and praying everything goes smoothly these next few months.