Not Sure


I'm giving a lot of thought about my current job. I work as a takeout girl and the money is getting to a point where I'm struggling to pay my bills-- and I live alone and support myself. One of my friends who works at a more high-end restaurant told me how she makes really good tips and pay told me that a few positions as a waitress were opening up and offered to put in a good word for me if I applied.

While it certainly is a wonderful opportunity, I'm kind of tied. I love the place where I work now and my coworkers are some of the kindest and friendliest people I've ever met, but I keep telling myself that at the end of the day, having nice co-workers doesn't pay the bills. I'm also a hard worker and me submitting a two weeks notice would make me feel like I was letting my boss down in a way.

Should I choose to leave, do you have any advice on how to tell your boss that you're quitting?