

Hi all!

I’m looking to tone my body up a bit for the summer, I did really well last year going to the gym and having a routine but I got with my boyfriend in November and it seems like we’re always eating out places, and if we cook at home it’s some bs unhealthy stuff... I’m talking tacos 2 times a week, burgers, pizza.. you get the point 😂 So I need advice on food habits, what to buy from the grocery and what to steer away from. I bloat very easily, even a sip of coke or and kind of soda swells my stomach up and makes me look 5 months pregnant. (My mom has IBS so I think I’m starting to take on symptoms from that but I’m not too sure yet, I’m going to the doctor soon to ask them about it!) My boyfriend is wanting to do this with me, so we’re in this together thankfully. I also need advice on exercises to try for toning arms, back, booty and legs so any tips and tricks you guys can give me on getting back in shape and maintaining a healthy diet would be greatly appreciated.