I Graduate in a month! Eek!

Hey y’all!

I know y’all don’t want to hear another sob story so I’ll try to keep things short!

I had a rough childhood; I was sexually (by an uncle) physically (by moms boyfriend and father) and emotionally (father) abused at a young age! My father was in prison when I was 1 and didn’t come back in my life until I was 12.

From the age of 13 until I turned 17 was hell! I ended up pregnant at 14, had baby at 15 and gave my son up for adoption shortly after. I was beaten and called terrible things by my father. My mother didn’t really care and continued to let him belittle me!

I was getting bullied at school from my peers about my looks, clothes, name, everything you can think of! I ended up getting into multiple fights with other girls, getting kicked out of school, and started to fail.

I at 16 I finally had enough! I couldn’t take the bullying from my father and my peers at school! I cried to my mother about how miserable I was and we agreed to take me out of school!

Fast forward to age 17! I found the love of my life he was/is an amazing man! He took me in when everyone else turned their backs to me! I had absolutely no where to go, my father kicked me out, and this man offered me a place to live!

At 19 we had our first daughter, and at 24 we had our first son! Four months after the birth of our son I decided to take the step to go back to high school! My hometown (20 minutes away!) has a program for adults that dropped out to finish their diploma!

I enrolled late November- 2016, didn’t start my classes until January 2017 and finished out in August! My instructor didn’t think I’d be able to complete the program since I was starting with courses from grade 10, but I finished! I beat the record at that learning center! I became the mascot, inspiration, the person they looked to! My teacher tells everyone my story to push and motivate them to keep moving forward!

I am proud to say that in just over a month I walk across that stage to get my diploma! My little babies, even the one who is now adopted (he’s with my uncle and his wife and knows I’m his bio mom!) will be watching me accomplish my dream! My daughter tells me every day how proud she is to see me walk and that pushes me forward each and every day!

This may not be huge to everyone else but for me it’s huge! At 25 I can finally say I’ve got my diploma and can move on to college. I’m super excited and nervous at the same time! 😍

Posting this anonymously Incase I get negative back lash!