Do you think he’ll stop? Porn addiction

If you’re completely for porn and don’t think this is wrong, id rather not read comments. I’m looking for helpful advice. Not my opinions/feelings changed. I’m sorry for being brash and thank you.

My SO has a porn addiction. I am not ok with porn in a relationship to begin with. I think it’s disrespectful, hurtful, and causes unrealistic expectations. When we first discussed me being ok with porn he promised he would stop. When I found out the second time, I told him it was a deal breaker for me and that I just wasn’t ok with it and didn’t want that in my relationship. He promised he would stop. He said that I could look through his phone every day (I said no because I wanted to trust). I found it a third time and this time told him I wouldn’t deal with this again, it’s something I’m not comfortable with, and that it’s just a deal breaker. This time he told me that he had an addiction. He has hinted at it before saying it was a bad habit he has always had. It wasn’t until the third time that he admitted to the addiction.

He will watch it when I’m home. He will not have sex with me (I have never denied him sex and have a higher sex drive than him actually). He will watch suggestive videos on YouTube and then looks up the women he finds attractive and finds their nudes. (He looked up 23 nudes of one woman). He will watch movies and then look for woman’s nudes. I told him I will send pictures or videos and he never asks for them and when I randomly send them he just says “lookin’ good” or something simple. He told me I was to good to send nudes. It’s incredibly hurtful and honestly I don’t know if he’ll stop. He’s promised me this time. But he’s lied to me before. He started using the private browser, he’s really secretive with his phone, and he doesn’t communicate about his problems with me. He told me he would talk to me about it and begged me to work through this with him and asked me for my help. But when I bring it up he gets annoyed. When I try to talk about it he just says no and I feel like he’s just lying to me again.

Do you think he’ll actually stop?